Category: Care Tips

  • Clean gloves.

    When the weather turns cool, we reach for our warm gloves. How to keep them clean? For leather, gently massage saddle soap foam into the gloves to remove stains, then polish/dry with a microfiber cloth. Knit wool gloves can be gently hand-washed in the sink, be sure to dry the gloves in their original shape.…

  • Resolutions.

    First, Peace. Followed by the usual list: eat better, smile more, lose weight, learn something new, share, drink more water, walk. To that we’ll add “Say Hello” to someone new every day. We say hello to a lot of people every day as part of our job. Seems like the more we do it, the more…

  • Home for Christmas.

    Please join us, our employees, our families and friends, in a Christmas wish for peace on earth, goodwill towards men. No matter your faith, station, nationality or color, we’re joined in this season of renewal, of hope and blessing.

  • Save the shoes!

    Winter can be rough on footwear (unless you’re wearing flip flops year round) and foul weather, deicer and dirty slush take a toll. When shoes or boots get wet, let them air dry at room temperature before stowing. Wipe stained areas with a damp terry cloth to remove soil and break up any rings. Thoroughly…

  • The gift of clean.

    Yes, this is a shameless plug for shirts, sweaters and suits — cleaned and pressed to crisp perfection — with a gift certificate from us. We custom-make gift certificates in a size to fit every budget and recipient. Dry cleaning and laundry is something everyone needs throughout the year. Everyone from the garbage man to the up and…

  • Snuggle up for winter.

    Days are short, nights are cold. To get the most relaxing and refreshing sleep, start by cleaning your mattress with your vacuum, baking soda and your favorite essential oil. Lavender, chamomile, sandalwood or geranium are classic, add 20 drops to a box of baking soda, mix well and massage into the mattress. Wait an hour…

  • Traveling for the holidays?

    Make your trip easier by packing smarter. Choose a travel wardrobe that will do double or triple duty for extended wear. Use the plastic wrap from your cleaning to separate items and prevent wrinkling. Stuff shoes with stockings and underwear. Pack complete children’s outfits, complete with socks and underwear, in zip plastic bags.  Have safe,…

  • Gravy stains.

    Rich, thick gravy is the foundation for a traditional Thanksgiving meal. It’s also a stain hazard from dripping gravy ladles, over-sauced potatoes, or oozing from a hot turkey sandwich. Stains happen. We’re experts at removing gravy from table linens, neckties, blouse fronts and favorite sweaters. Our spotters know how to combat the protein-grease-starch-cream mix known…

  • Giving thanks.

    We all have so much, and tomorrow the luckiest of us will be with family and friends, enjoying the bounties of love, of sharing and a memorable meal. We’re reminded of the Estonian proverb, “Who does not thank for little will not thank for much.” No matter your Thanksgiving traditions, from holding hands during grace to gobbling…

  • Extend the life of your investments.

    Quality clothing does cost more, but with the right care, the cost-per-wear is lower than cheaper choices. Dry cleaning prolongs the life by removing stains before they oxidize. Soil and dust actually grind into the fabric, acting as an abrasive on the fibers. Our expert finishing team gently presses your garment for a crisp, new…