It’s Flag Day.
Celebrate Flag Day today. Fly your flag and give it the care and respect that’s right. Washing Your Flag. Most outdoor flags are now made of polyester or nylon, meaning they are more durable than cotton and can be washed by hand (in the bathtub or washtub) or by machine, in warm water. They can…
Turn down the heat
To get more life from home washables, air dry or use a no heat setting on your dryer. High heat and over-drying damage most fabric fibers and weaken construction. What is dry enough? Clothes should feel a little moist coming out of the dryer. Cotton fibers have a 6% natural moisture level — if you…
More interview tips.
Invest in a good pair of professional shoes. Think loafers and Oxfords, dark colors and classic lines. Women can wear flats or heels but be sure they are comfortable. 2. Adapt for the season: summer heat can be too much for full traditional interview attire. Whatever the season, you should be dressed to fit in…
Job interview tips.
Making the right first impression at your interview is easier when you’re confident and calm. Dressing the part always helps. First, err on the side of formality with a suit or blazer, especially for an office or retail position. 2. Avoid distractions like scent, jewelry or statement accessories. 3. Look the part. Visit the store…
Archival storage for heirloom garments
Did you know we preserve more than just wedding gowns? Specialty linens and homemade afghans are just two of the precious things we can clean and package for long-term storage. Don’t forget christening and ceremonial gowns, vintage clothing and treasured letter jackets. For true archival preservation, garments should never be wrapped in anything but neutral…
Make your bed.
After winter’s hibernation, it’s time to freshen your nighttime environment. Begin by stripping the bed down to the mattress. If you use a mattress pad, launder (or bring to us) and dry thoroughly, hanging on the line, if you have one. Flip and rotate the mattress. Is it time to replace your pillows? Unless they…
Get the most from your cleaner.
Our service starts when we tag and inspect your laundry – we look for stains, tears, broken buttons, snagged zippers. You can help by telling us (or marking with masking tape) trouble spots and stains. Our stain removal experts always appreciate knowing what caused the boo-boo so they can use the right pretreatment. Need something…
Coco’s wisdom.
“A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.” Although many of our female customers might not like to be called “girls,” we’re certain they won’t mind being called classy or fabulous. While culture has changed since Coco Chanel, a well-dressed woman is always in style.
Sag and stretch.
Of course, only your most-loved knitwear would lose its perfect fit. Let us know and we can block it the right size and shape when we clean it. We’ll even keep measurements on file for special garments – remember, we’re customer service specialists. May we serve your sweater’s special needs?
Leaky latte?
We’ve all spilled a little now and then, and the instinct to rub it is hard to resist. Blot, blot and blot. Sometimes a stain removal pen (like Tide) can help short term. The best answer is to bring us the shirt as soon as you can. Our stain removal experts use professional products and…