Wedding season.
Today’s millennial brides are changing wedding fashions – look for ready-to-wear bridal gowns, dark floral prints and bridesmaids wearing navy (the most popular color in most of the US). There’s a move to less-traditional bridal wear as brides shop for stylish and lowerer-priced alternatives to bridal gowns. And what are they choosing for the engagement ring? Antique and vintage…
Nothing tricky, please.
We hear about miracle stain removers every day. Everything from Coca-Cola and WD-40 to hairspray and meat tenderizer is recommended in tabloids, blogs, Facebook and late-night TV. Here’s the real secret: nothing works better for stain removal than the stain removal expert at work here. There’s so much we can do to help, but most…
Laundry overload.
Summer laundry. Towels, sports clothes, tennis whites and gardening jeans — seems like summer laundry’s never done. Just don’t overload your washer and hope everything will come out clean. Crammed full, the machine can’t properly agitate, rinse and spin your clothes. Run a load overnight and hang it on the line in the morning. Or…
The world’s oldest dress.
The Daily Mail reports radiocarbon dating has confirmed a garment found in an Egyptian tomb is over 5,000 years old, making it the oldest known woven garment. All that remains of garment tailored to fit an Egyptian elite is a V-neck pleated bodice and sleeves. The Tarkhan dress was found decades ago but it took…
Perfect linen.
Cool summer linen – let us know if you like your linen to stand up, a little starch goes a long way to create a crisp linen feel. Do you like the smooth soft feel instead? Our professional staff cleans and hand presses linen garments to maintain the structure but still soft and smooth to the…
Happy Fourth of July.
Tomorrow we’re with our families and friends, celebrating our freedom, liberty and blessings. Happy Birthday America!
In a hurry?
Jumping into a freshly ironed garment can actually create new wrinkles and diminish your steamy work. Give the creases a few minutes to set and allow time for the residual moisture and heat to leave the fabric fibers before dressing.
A little less disability.
Now wheelchair users can choose pants, shirts, blouses, blazers and dresses specially tailored for looking (and feeling) good while seated. For instance, the blazer back is cut out to let the sides hang properly. Pants and skirts fit, dresses easily zip and the maker donates 10% to build ramps. See everything at IZCollection.com for affordable,…
Laundry mildew.
Even in the cleanest of homes, mildew can grow in a washing machine, especially in humid or poorly ventilated areas. The problem’s usually around the rubber door seal. Start with a cup of chlorine bleach mixed with 2 cups warm water. Wearing protective gloves, wipe and clean the seal from bottom to top, paying special…
Time for a closet purge.
Make room for summer by clearing out the old, the tired, the worn. Ten things to start: jeans you no longer wear, concert and event t-shirts, the dress you’re going to fit someday, unwearable shoes (no matter how cute), nostalgic oldies, the bridesmaid dress, ill-fitting bras, anything with shoulder pads, empty hangers, that really expensive…