Category: Laundry Line

  • Thanksgiving leftovers still on the tablecloth?

    If your candles dripped on the tablecloth, let everything cool and peel the wax off with your fingers. If it’s stubborn, freeze the tablecloth, then scrape off the wax with a credit card. Wash in hot water to remove the remaining embedded wax. Better yet, and a lot easier, bring your begrimed table linens to…

  • Corduroy classic.

    Autumn favorite, corduroy needs special cleaning care to preserve the rich velvety pile and prevent shrinking. If your corduroy garment is washable, check the label before throwing it in the wash. Never wash with lint producers like fleece, felt or terry. Use the right water temperature, wash like colors together and turn the garment inside…

  • Pet hair management.

    Pet hair can clog a washing machine, preventing proper drainage, clumping in drains or sticking to the side of the machine. They recommend removing the hair from clothes with a lint roller or masking tape. For bedding, put on a rubber glove, dampen it with water, and run your hand over the sheet or blanket.…

  • Classic jeans.

    When you buy new raw denim jeans, aficionados recommend wearing for six months before washing. Why? Wear will break down the super-stiff denim, the fabric actually conforms to your shape. When you’re ready to wash, turn inside out, use cold water in a gentle cycle, hot water if you want fading. Lay flat or hang upside down…

  • Clothes feeling snugger?

    Before you blame stay-at-home snacking, check your dryer settings and remember the last 15% of drying time is when shrinkage occurs, and it can be permanent. Dry your clothes on delicate to avoid shrinkage and set the timer for a shorter period. You can always add time to dry, but can’t reverse it if you…

  • Get the most from special cottons.

    Cotton is not just for weekend anymore – we’re seeing it used in designer wear for summer – but be careful when attempting to clean extra special pieces yourself, even when the label tells you home cleaning is OK. Natural fibers are prone to losing color over time, and special designs and styles require professional cleaning to make that…

  • Lint ball?

    To avoid spreading lint throughout your entire load of laundry, always separate the into three groups: high, medium and low lint production. Towels and terry robes are high, corduroy, fleece, socks and sweaters are medium, and jeans, T-shirts, workout gear. Turn garments inside out, avoid crowding, over-agitation and high heat. After every load, clean the…

  • Keep your jeans in shape

    Scared of shrinking your fancy new jeans? Remember, it’s the last 15% of the hot dry cycle that causes shrinkage. Clothing has a base moisture level when “dry,” but overdrying causes the fabric to shrink, fade and lose softness. Instead of using a hot dryer, hang dry or “air only” dry those items you are…

  • Odor outers

    Are smelly stains making you wrinkle your nose every time you lay down on your pillowcase or wipe your mouth with your napkin? Did you forget a load of laundry in the washing machine and now it smells like mildew? Or did the dog lay on your favorite blanket and all you smell is wet…

  • Sparkling white sneakers.

    White canvas shoes are perfect for summer – until they start looking beige. Here’s how to remove stains, thanks to How to Clean Stuff. Scrub away dirt stains with shampoo on a nail brush, wipe residue away with a damp sponge. Use dish soap on grass stains, and nail polish remover on grease or tar.…