Appreciation day
Today we’re celebrating the dedication, ingenuity and friendliness of our front-line staff. These are the people who answer the phone, deliver your laundry, answer your questions and time after time greet you at the counter with a smile. We’re in the business of taking care of your garments, and without our caring staff we’d be…
Job interview for men.
According to the GQ Guide for Shirting, your dress shirt should be a solid color with a straight collar and long sleeves. Patterns, button-downs and short sleeves are just too informal. Wearing a tie adds professionalism, select diagonal “rep” stripes, solids or a tiny pattern. Pants and jacket? Never wrinkled, always clean — that’s our…
Coco’s wisdom.
“You can be gorgeous at thirty, charming at forty, and irresistible for the rest of your life.” While not as famous as Ms. Chanel, like her we’re in the business of making sure you look your best, at any age. As we all become more irresistible day by day, isn’t it reassuring to know we’re in…
Silky secrets.
Protect your investment in top-quality silk, from lingerie to neckwear, this luxury favorite can be ruined easily. Simply rubbing a spot or stain can remove color, friction from a dry napkin will dull the fabric’s luster. Wiping with water or club soda add more damage like color bleed and fiber abrasion. So when gravy spots…
Collars and cuffs.
Time to take your business wear out of the closet for a bright-light inspection for signs of wear on collars, cuffs and pockets. Take a good look at the elbows, too. Shirts, sweaters and jackets take a beating at the elbow, even if you’re not a professional arm wrestler. Mark trouble spots with masking tape…
Happy Valentine’s Day
What a wonderful holiday: celebrate the love in your life. If you didn’t plan ahead with a restaurant reservation, there’s nothing stopping a just-the-two-of-you candlelit celebration. Dress up a little, turn down the lights and set the mood. A crisp white tablecloth and napkins, fresh flowers, champagne, a favorite entree and a chocolate desert should…
Superbowl Sunday.
It’s time for TV snacks and Superbowl is the ultimate party food event for fans everywhere. We can’t help with the outcome, but we can help get the stains out from salsa explosions, wing sauce drips or out of bounds cheese dip. Don’t give up on stains and spills – no matter who wins the…
“The Tooth Fairy has a sister named the Sock Fairy, which is why every time you open the dryer a sock is missing and instead you find coins.” Keeping the footsies in pairs won’t be a challenge if you launder every pair in a mesh lingerie bag. That’s how we do it. But until they start…
Getting the most from your cleaner.
Our expert service starts when we tag and inspect your laundry – we look for stains, tears, broken buttons, snagged zippers. You can help by telling us (or marking with masking tape) trouble spots and stains. Our stain removal expertise is always enhanced when we know what caused the problem so we can use the…
Wet shoes.
Downpour, puddle or snowstorm, soaking your good shoes is more than uncomfortable, it’s a good way to ruin your investment in quality footwear. First, stuff the shoes with crumpled up newspaper and slowly dry away from direct heat which can crack the leather. When they’re almost dry, replace the paper with cedar shoe trees to…