Extend your wash machine’s life.
Remove wet clothes ASAP to prevent mold and mildew. And leave the door open between loads. Check the pockets – loose items can damage the tub or get into the pump. Clean the lint trap if your washer has one, and for sure your dryer has one. Don’t overdose on detergent. It can cause your…
Home laundry money-savers.
Most loads in your washing machine are effectively cleaned with cold water. The only time you really need to use hot water (with bleach) is for virus- and germ-killing sanitation. Modern detergents are formulated to work in warm or cold water; heating water for laundry can bulk up your utility bill. Always measure detergent carefully…
Fourth of July!
We’re reminded on our nation’s birthday to celebrate and protect our independence, freedom and democracy. The great Supreme Court jurist Oliver Wendall Holmes said, “One flag, one land, one heart, one hand, one nation forevermore!”
Whiter whites.
According to the experts at Consumer Reports, white clothes can pick up grey soil from other garments in a crowded washer. Wash whites separately, don’t pack the washer and measure the detergent. If more whitening is needed, try a detergent with bleaching components, an oxidizer like OxiClean or hang clothing in the sun for natural whitening.…
Blacker blacks.
Every trip through the washer removes more black dye and roughs up the surface, creating a fuzzy fade effect. Consumer Reports says, when you absolutely must wash, turn dark garments inside out to protect the surface, sort items by color and weight, and wash in cold water in the shortest cycle possible. Measure detergent carefully to…
Get the most from cleaning.
Our expert service starts when we tag and inspect your laundry – looking for stains, tears, broken buttons, snagged zippers. You can help by telling us about, or marking with masking tape, trouble spot. Our stain removal expertise is always enhanced when we know the cause so we can use the correct pretreatment. And remember, stains…
Welcome to summer.
Treat yourself to freshly laundered and pressed summer wear. We press knits like polo shirts to perfection and add an upscale finish to jeans, with or without crease. Summer skirts and trousers always look best with a crisp finish. And there’s just no DIY equivalent to professionally pressed linen, a summer classic. Most summer stains…
Flag etiquette.
Displaying our national symbol is actually covered by an official Flag Code. For instance, the flag should not be flown in the dark or inclement weather. It should not be used as decoration – that’s a job for bunting, streamers and decorative materials. Always display the blue part on top. When the flag is lowered,…
Dressing for business.
As we thankfully return to a more-normal schedule, hanging up the stay-at-home sweatpants and reviewing those go-to-work clothes in the closet, it’s a good time to edit out the seldom-worns and the slightly-snugs and donate them to a thrift shop. Bring us the garments that need a freshening, a new button or an adjustment in…
Hanging out.
If you’re lucky enough to enjoy an outdoor clothesline, here are a few old tricks to drying laundry outdoors. Turn right-side out and shake damp laundry to smooth out wrinkles before hanging. Dry shirts on hangers for crease-free results, ready for touchup ironing. Hang pants by the bottom hem. That’s the way to hang t-shirts…