Category: Care Tips

  • Superbowl Sunday.

    It’s time for TV snacks and Superbowl is the ultimate party food event for fans everywhere. We can’t help with the outcome, but we can help get the stains out from salsa explosions, wing sauce drips or out of bounds cheese dip. Don’t give up on stains and spills – no matter who wins the…

  • Getting the most from your cleaner.

    Our expert service starts when we tag and inspect your laundry – we look for stains, tears, broken buttons, snagged zippers. You can help by telling us (or marking with masking tape) trouble spots and stains. Our stain removal expertise is always enhanced when we know what caused the problem so we can use the…

  • The brush off.

    Brush your good clothes before putting them back in the closet to remove dust, grime and surface soil before it can penetrate. Use short, quick strokes against the grain, then finish with long smooth strokes in the opposite direction. A bonus benefit, you’ll be able to spot stains, tears or damage that need cleaning or…

  • Glitter gone.

    Here’s a very tiny tip: When the shine comes off, and the carpet’s covered in glitter from ornaments, decorating and celebrating, grab a ball of Play-Do. Roll it over the mess to pick up the loose bits of shine. That’s about as much housecleaning as we’re going to do today.

  • Resolutions.

    First, Peace. Followed by the usuals: eat better, smile more, lose weight, learn something new, share, drink more water, walk. To that we’ll add “Say Hello” to someone new every day. We say hello a lot every day as part of our job. And the more we do it, the more we like it. Drop…

  • Welcome 2024.

    “Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.” Even the most extreme optimists will agree with Oprah Winfrey on this New Year’s toast – a fresh year with new opportunities and challenges, new rewards and surprises. New friends and new ideas. We wish you all the very best and…

  • Brighter days ahead.

    It’s time for family and friends, celebrating the holidays and getting through the darkest part of the year. As Charles Shultz said, “Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone.”  We hope you’ve enjoyed your share of “a little something extra” this year. We’ve built our business by providing it to every customer, every…

  • Holiday stain relief.

    The holidays are just around the corner, usually including red wine, rich gravy, cocktails and sugary treats. What else do the celebrations bring? Accidental spills on your favorite clothes and household linens – with some of the toughest stains to remove: acid, sugar and oil based food and beverages. Help us by following a few…

  • When is dry-cleaning the best choice?

    When to throw it in the washer and when to give it to us? Convenience and quality aside, there are situations when dry cleaning simply is the best choice: Acetate, rayon or silk, leather or fur garments or trim, tricky to iron, structured or tailored with interfacing, specially finished, stiffened garments. The number one reason…

  • Give thanks.

    We all have so much, and tomorrow the luckiest of us are blessed with family and friends, enjoying the bounties of love, of sharing laughter and a memorable meal. We’re reminded of the Estonian proverb, “Who does not thank for little will not thank for much.” No matter your Thanksgiving traditions, from holding hands during…